Cancelled! – Changes and developments in the Holocaust memory in Poland, Finland and Germany

Jan Grabowski
Jussi Nuorteva
Tatjana Tönsmeyer

[The event will be held in English and translated into German.]

Jan Grabowski, Jussi Nuorteva and Tatjana Tönsmeyer will talk about recent changes and developments of memory of the Holocaust and WWII in Poland, Finland and Germany. Jan Grabowski will start with a lecture titled “Transforming the Holocaust Into a Feel-Good Story. The Case of Poland”. Jussi Nuorteva will talk about the debate about Finnish SS-volunteers in World War II in 2019 and the following changes in the memory culture in Finland. Tatjana Tönsmeyer’s statement focuses on the memory of the German occupations of Europe during World War II and the missing representation thereof in German memory culture. An interactive discussion of the panellists with the public will take place after the lecture and statements, moderated by Cordelia Heß, speaker of the Interdisciplinary Center for Baltic Sea Region Research (IFZO).


Jan Grabowski (*1962) is a Polish historian and professor at the University of Ottawa, Canada. His research focuses on the Holocaust in the occupied Poland from 1939-1945.

Jussi Nuorteva (*1954) is a Finnish historian and lecturer at the University of Helsinki. He is the former general director of the National Archives of Finland.

Tatjana Tönsmeyer (*1968) is a German historian and professor at the University of Wuppertal. Her research focuses National Socialism, occupied societies during World War II and memory politics.



  • IFZO

    Interdisziplinäres Forschungszentrum Ostseeraum (IFZO)


  • Neues Audimax, Hörsaal 1

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