Martina Kolanoski
Senior Researcher
Energy Transition in the Baltic Sea Region
Email: kolanoskim[at]uni-greifswald.de
Bahnhofstr. 51
Room 1.03
17489 Greifswald
Martina Kolanoski is a research associate in the Cluster Energy Transition in the Baltic Sea Region. Her qualitative, socio-legal research focuses on questions of acceptance as well as on the integration of the energy market.
Martina studied political science, modern history and public law in Potsdam and Berlin (HU/FU). Her socio-legal dissertation Juridification of warfare and limits of accountability: An ethnomethodological investigation into the production and assessment of legal targeting at Goethe University Frankfurt/Main (2019) develops a practice perspective on aspects of international criminal law and the distinction between civilians and insurgents as situated accomplishments. After work experiences as a research assistant at the German Parliament (2010–2011), she started her teaching and research activities in sociology, first in a binational teaching-research project at the University of Bochum (2011–2013) and then as a research assistant at the Chair for Interpretative Social Research at Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main (2013–2022). She was a Research Fellow at the University of Liverpool (2016–2022) and Visiting Fellow at the German Institute for Human Rights (2021–2022).
Selected Publications
Juridification of warfare and limits of accountability. An ethnomethodological investigation into the production and assessment of legal targeting. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill (International Humanitarian Law series), 2022.
Die Entsendung der Bundeswehr ins Ausland Zur Funktion des Parlamentsvorbehalts im Kontext bündnispolitischer Verpflichtungen, Welt Trends Thesis, 9, Potsdam, Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2010. http://nbn resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517 opus 42210
Edited volumes:
Trans Sequentiell Forschen: Neue Perspektiven und Anwendungsfelder mit Küffner, Carla; Löffler, Marlen; Terjung, Clara; Wiesbaden: Springer (Reihe Politische Ethnografie), 2023.
2023: Das Forschungsprogramm der Trans-Sequentiellen Analyse; in: Kolanoski, M.; Küffner, C.; Löffler, M.; Terjung, C. (Hrsg.): Trans-Sequentiell Forschen: Neue Perspektiven und Anwendungsfelder. Wiesbaden: Springer (Reihe Politische Ethnografie).
2022: Doing the Organization’s Work – Transcription for All Practical Governmental Purposes. Frontiers in Communication. with Alex Holder, Chris Elsey, Phil Brooker and Michael Mair.
2021: Investigating the Use of Force in Contemporary Conflict: Researching Military Operations with Audio, Video and Transcript Data; in: Mair, M.; Meckin, R.; Elliot, M. (Ed.): Investigative Methods: An NCRM Innovation Collection, p. 36–47. with Alex Holder, Chris Elsey and Michael Mair.
2019: Gegenstandsangemessenheit und Praxisnähe in der Rechtsforschung: Die Transsequentielle Analyse. In: C. Boulanger, J. Rosenstock, & T. Singelnstein (Eds.): Interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung: Eine Einführung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
2018: Trans-sequential Analysis, or: A production focused approach to procedurally organized work. Ethnographic Studies (15), 58–82.
2018: Violence as Work: Ethnomethodological Insights into Military Combat Operations. Psychology of Violence, 8(3), 316–328. (with Chris Elsey and Michael Mair).
2017: Undoing the legal capacities of a military object: A case study on the (in)visibility of Law & Social Inquiry [ASA EMCA Secti on Graduate Student Paper Award 2017]
Trans Sequential Analysis: A brief introduction, 41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Bielefeld, 29.9.2022.
Targeting as procedural culture, IIEMCA Konferenz, Mannheim, 3.7. 2020.
SEEING or NOT SEEING legally prescribed categories: Video footage in legal and military sense-making, Workshop “Killing in the name of: Interpreting Images of State Violence”, Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford, Ontario, Canada, 14.7. 2018.
Engaging Military Targets: Recognisability at the Moment of Attack, American Sociological Association Meeting, Montreal, 15.8. 2017. (DAAD Förderung)
The work of attack, IIEMCA Konferenz, Columbus (Ohio), 12.7. 2017.