Christina Stremming
Junior Researcher
Security architecture in the Baltic Sea Region
Email: christina.stremming[at]uni-greifswald.de
Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 3
Room 3.11
17489 Greifswald
November 2017 – April 2021 student assistance at the Chair of Comparative Politics, University of Greifswald
April 2018 – September 2021 Tutor for Statistics, Junior Professorship for Political Sociology, University of Greifswald
February 2020 – August 2021 Research Assistant at Institute of Political Science and Communication Studies, University of Greifswald
since October 2021 – Junior researcher at the IFZO
The dissertation project analyzes Germany's military presence in the Baltic Sea region and its visibly changed role as a security actor. Furthermore, it examines which domestic factors, such as party positions, explain Germany's changing role and what expectations the Baltic countries have of Germany. For this purpose, parliamentary debates are examined using text analysis.
Together with Jahn, Detlef, Nils Düpont, Erik Baltz, Maximilian Andorff-Woller, Lisa Klagges, and Sophie Suda, together with Thomas Behm, Sven Kosanke, Christoph Oberst, Martin Rachuj, Christina Stremming, and Debora Thie. 2022. PIP – Parties, Institutions & Preferences: PIP Collection [Version 2022-04]. Chair of Comparative Politics, University of Greifswald.
Together with Jahn, Detlef, Nils Düpont, Sven Kosanke, Erik Baltz, together with Thomas Behm, Christoph Oberst, Martin Rachuj and Nuru Debora Thie. 2020. PIP – Parties, Institutions and Preferences: PIP Collection [Version 2020-08]. Chair of Comparative Politics, University of Greifswald.