Jakub Aleksander Ramelow
Junior Researcher
Shared Heritage
Email: jakub.ramelow[at]uni-greifswald.de
Bahnhofstr. 51
Room 1.04
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 (0)3834 420 33 44
Teacher training in the subjects English and History (main subjects) as well as Polish and German as a foreign language (minor subjects)
Since October 2021
Junior researcher in the project “Unwanted and Conflictual Heritage”, University of Greifswald, IFZO, research cluster “Shared Heritage”
“Military legacies of Soviet Union in Poland: Symbols of oppression or cultural heritage worth preserving?”
The PhD project examines the culture of remembrance as well as heritage making in contemporary Poland with regard to Soviet military legacies located within its borders. The inclusion of both spatial and social dimensions of the above-mentioned processes makes it possible to approach the subject from multiple perspectives which in turn allows for a deeper reaching analysis and the implementation of interdisciplinary methods and concepts.
By conducting interviews with local inhabitants as well as utilizing concepts borrowed from social as well as cultural studies, e.g., SKAD and the concept of collective memory, the project examines how Soviet military legacies are perceived and conceptualized in Polish society and which meanings are attributed to them.