IFZO News History

Call for Applications (Deadline: 1 May 2025): 3 Postdoc Positions at FERBOPO

Call for Papers (Deadline 15 April 2025): Nordic Studies Scholars facing the Changes of the Modern World – 50th Anniversary of Nordic Studies in Gdańsk

Call for Papers (Deadline 31 March 2025): International Conference „Heritage, Innovation, Resilience, Business (HIRB)”

Call for Papers (Deadline 1 March 2025): International Conference "The Year 1945: Experiences and Legacies in the Baltic Sea Region"

Call for Papers (Deadline 15 February 2025): "Baltic Connections 2025: a Conference in Social Science History"

New Publication: Greifswalder Geographische Arbeiten (Volume 59: 100 Jahre Heringsfischerei in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

Exhibition opening “Viking Gold. Treasure Politics since 1800”

Khir Johari Wins Singapore History Prize for Contributions to Nusantara Food Culture

Publication: “Asmus strategic vision makes a comeback. Finnish-Swedish role in defending the Baltics”

New Publication: “Multidrug-resistant high-risk clonal Escherichia coli lineages occur along an antibiotic residue gradient in the Baltic Sea”

New Publication: “Between Europeanism and Atlanticism: French Military Presence in the Baltic Region”

Kunsttexte - Special issue. “War on Monuments: Documenting the Debates over Russian and Soviet Heritage in Eastern and Central Europe”

New places, new operas? Opera Where It Doesn’t Exist. Von der Peripherie in die Zukunft

New Publication: “Raum-Zeit-Kunst am Meer: Ästhetik neuer Opernhausarchitekturen im Ostseeraum”

New Publication: “Canada is a Big Deal Here”: The eFP Battle Group and Host Nation Public Opinion

New lecture series starts off with a visit from the Lithuanian Ambassador

“Das Erbe der Wikinger erforschen”: Podcast Campus Insights MV in conversation with IFZO researcher Charlotte Wenke and Alexander Drost

Policy Brief 2023: Mobilität von Politiken für ländliche Räume im Ostseeraum

Hiddensee gold jewellery enters the classrooms

IFZO Expert Cordelia Heß at "Bildspuren - Der Podcast"