Policy Transfer



Building on the case studies and case comparisons, the conditions for policy transfer between the countries of the Baltic Sea region and a uniform Baltic Sea regional policy for the protection and sustainable use of the region's peatlands will be investigated following the first work package. The research hypotheses of the project are:

  1. REGIONAL INTEGRATION: The high degree of integration of agricultural policy at the European level has so far prevented an agricultural policy adapted to the Baltic Sea region. The need for such an adaptation and unification is made clear, among other things, by the work of the HELCOM group "Agri" (https://helcom.fi/helcom-at-work/groups/agri-group/, 05.08.2021). New steering mechanisms of the CAP, such as the national strategic plans, open up new possibilities for this.
  2. Policy transfer in the Baltic Sea Region depends on the agenda setting of regional political organisations, but especially on the European framework conditions.