New Nationalisms: Utopian and dystopian narratives of New Nationalism

Summer School

Antisemitism and Xenophobia in the Baltic Sea Region

Summer School - Report

Summer School - Report

Antisemitism and Xenophobia in the Baltic Sea Region

On August 28-September 4, an international Summer School on Antisemitism and Xenophobia in the Baltic Sea Region took place in Kulice (Poland).

It was organized by the universities of Greifswald, Szczecin and Lund and focused on history and theories of antisemitism, contemporary antisemitism and xenophobia anti-Jewish and anti-minorities stereotypes.

During the summer school, 17 students of pedagogy from Sweden, Poland and Germany gathered together in order to learn how to deal with hatress in the classroom. For this aim, both in lectures and workshops the summer school participants obtained theoretical and practical tools, such as learning about historical visual stereotypization of Jews and the history of islamphobia, antisemitism in various regional contexts, similarities and differences between antisemitism, racism and xenophobia, the 21st century ways of spreading of antisemitism and xenophobia  through social media and the ways one can cope with them in the classroom.

They have also learned how to teach the Holocaust in the classroom through biographical approach as well how to teach tragedies through art. In the last day of the summer school, the students created their own lesson units where they applied all the theoretical and practical knowledge they obtained during their learning. The summer school lectures and workshops were done onsite and online by experts in various disciplines from Germany, Sweden, Poland, Israel and the US.


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