IFZO Publikationen


Artikel: Innovations in healthcare of peripheral regions – Greifswald as incubator for the Baltic Sea region? – Acta medico-historica Rigensia (2021) XIV

Artikel von Stefan Fleßa in Acta medico-historica Rigensia (2021) XIV: 118-148 unter: https://dspace.rsu.lv/jspui/handle/123456789/7157


Artikel: Innovations in healthcare of peripheral regions – Greifswald as incubator for the Baltic Sea region? – Acta medico-historica Rigensia (2021) XIV

Artikel von Stefan Fleßa in Acta medico-historica Rigensia (2021) XIV: 118-148 unter: https://dspace.rsu.lv/jspui/handle/123456789/7157


Artikel: Innovations in healthcare of peripheral regions – Greifswald as incubator for the Baltic Sea region? – Acta medico-historica Rigensia (2021) XIV

Artikel von Stefan Fleßa in Acta medico-historica Rigensia (2021) XIV: 118-148 unter: https://dspace.rsu.lv/jspui/handle/123456789/7157


Artikel: Innovations in healthcare of peripheral regions – Greifswald as incubator for the Baltic Sea region? – Acta medico-historica Rigensia (2021) XIV

Artikel von Stefan Fleßa in Acta medico-historica Rigensia (2021) XIV: 118-148 unter: https://dspace.rsu.lv/jspui/handle/123456789/7157