During the three decades after the end of the Cold War, George Santayana’s 1905 aphorism became the motto of the global West: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Yet, Eastern and Central European societies continue to be haunted by the difficult memories of the past and those issues that post-Cold War international democratic agendas failed to address. Since then, new tensions have been arising in the region, first between East and West and then between North and South, which process virtually exploded when Russia went on a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Thus, a catastrophic rupture occurred in the apparently logical peaceful development “after the End of History”. This Summer School seeks to address shifting temporalities of memory, knowledge, and action, particularly in relation to war and violent regimes.
Welcomed are applications from PhD students working on the Baltic, as well as Eastern and Central Europe, with a particular interest in the issues of memory and history. Developing academic writing skills will be one of the central concerns of the Summer School. Students are expected to present their work and produce a paper that will be further considered for online scholarly publication in the journal Baltic Worlds. The application deadline was 15 March 2024.
Students are awarded 7.5 ECTs for the completed course and also provided with a Certificate of Completion.
Participation in the Summer School is free of charge. All costs will be covered,excluding the travel costs to and from the location.
Further information
If you have questions, please contact summeruniversityshse.