Speaker: Ieva Steponavičiutė-Aleksiejūniene (Vilnius)
Chair: Clemens Räthel (Greifswald)
This lecture will delve into the essay series “My Scandinavia” (2004) by Marius Ivaškevičius with the help of literary cartography. By mapping the narrator’s movement in space and time with regard to the Nordic region, it will trace the dynamics of rapprochement between Scandinavia and Lithuania, examining these interactions on both national and personal levels. By taking into account the historical context of Nordic-Baltic relations, the lecture will uncover the ways in which the narrator navigates both older and more recent peripeties that have separated and connected these regions, while dealing with his own artistic ambitions.
Thursdays, 18.15–19.45
Rubenowstr. 1, Lecture Hall 1
University of Greifswald
For online participation, please write to: balticsea-eventsuni-greifswaldde
Organisation: Antje Kempe & Clemens Räthel