Solveig Marie Wang
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Ungewolltes und konfliktbehaftetes Erbe
E-Mail: wangs[at]uni-greifswald.de
Domstraße 9a
Raum 0.13
17489 Greifswald
Interdisziplinäre Postdoc-Forscherin und antikoloniale Mediävistin, die sich vor allem mit Grönland und Sápmi und Fragen der Historizität, Indigenität, Mediävismen, Erbe, Repatriierung beschäftigt, an der Universität Greifswald (seit 2021). Chefredakteurin der Zeitschrift Apardjón Journal for Scandinavian Studies und Performing Magic in the Premodern North. PhD Geschichte, Aberdeen 2021.
Zu den zentralen und notwendigen Elementen des Kolonialismus gehören die Entmenschlichung der Kolonisierten und die Verweigerung oder Ablehnung des Rechts der Kolonisierten auf freies Denken und historische Erzählung. Das Projekt untersucht diese Elemente in einem vergleichenden Rahmen, der sich auf Indigenität und Repatriierung in den nordischen Ländern und den Fall von Denkmälern in der postsowjetischen (historischen, politischen) Landschaft konzentriert.
Zu den zentralen und notwendigen Elementen des Kolonialismus gehören die Entmenschlichung der Kolonisierten und die Verweigerung oder Ablehnung des Rechts der Kolonisierten auf freies Denken und historische Erzählung. Das Projekt untersucht diese Elemente in einem vergleichenden Rahmen, der sich auf Indigenität und Repatriierung in den nordischen Ländern und den Fall von Denkmälern in der postsowjetischen (historischen, politischen) Landschaft konzentriert.
Apardjón Volume I, eds. Daniel Cutts, Heidi Synnøve Djuve, Deniz Cem Gülen, Ingrid Hegland, Jennifer Hemphill, Solveig Marie Wang, Caroline Wilhelmsson (Aberdeen: Apardjón Journal for Scandinavian Studies, 2020). Grettis rímur, trans. by Lee Colwill, eds. Hannah Booth, Heidi Synnøve Djuve, Deniz Cem Gülen, Ingrid Hegland, Jennifer Hemphill, Solveig Marie Wang and Jessie Yusek (Aberdeen: Apardjón Journal for Scandinavian Studies, 2021). Apardjón Volume II, eds. Hannah Booth, Heidi Synnøve Djuve, Deniz Cem Gülen, Ingrid Hegland, Jennifer Hemphill, Simon Nygaard, Alessandro Palumbo, Solveig Marie Wang and Jessie Yusek (Aberdeen: Apardjón Journal for Scandinavian Studies, 2021) Annales Fontanellenses, trans. by Christian Cooijmans, eds. Hannah Booth, Cassidy Croci, Jennifer Hemphill, Rosemary Kelly, Blake Middleton, Ségdae Richardson-Read, Solveig Marie Wang and Jessie Yusek
Review of Andreas Klein: Early Modern Knowledge about the Sámi. A History of Johannes Schefferus’ Lapponia (1673). Hannover: Wehrhan Verlag, Tromsøer Studien zur Kulturwissenschaft, Band 16, NORDEUROPAforum 85 (Jhg. 2023). ‘Medieval Literature and Saami in the South’, Viking and Medieval Scandinavia 19, Brepols (2023). ‘Finnvitka: The Cultural Interface, Identity Negotiation, and Saami Ritual in Medieval Fennoscandia’, CERÆ: An Australasian Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 9 [Ritual: Practice, Performance, Perception] (2022). Conceptualizing the Multi-Cultural North of the Íslendingasögur: Peoples, Places and Phenomena’, Nordlit, 46 (2020)
8-9.11.2023 Performing Magic in the Pre-Modern North, University of Aberdeen
10.05.2023. Nordischer Klang: Sámi cultures, Sámi challenges (moderation)
2-3.02.2023 Colonial Entanglements and the Medieval Nordic World. Tensions, Nordic Colonialism and Indigeneity., Universität Greifswald
8-9.12. 2021 Performing Magic in the Pre-Modern North, virtual
13.05.2020 Northern Peripheries: Celebratory Conference for the Launch of Apardjón Journal for Scandinavian Studies, Apardjón Journal for Scandinavian Studies, organiser
25.03.2021 ‘Decolonising Norse-Sámi Personal Relationships’, Aarhus Student Symposium, University of Aarhus, Denmark
06-09.07.2020 “Finding the Finns: Norse-Sámi Spatial Relations in the Medieval Period”, International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, UK (Cancelled)
06.05.2020 “Sagas and Postcolonialism”, Högre Seminarium series, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Uppsala, Sweden (Cancelled)
11.11.2019 “The Significance of Reading”, Nordic Literature Event, University of Aberdeen, UK 24.10.2019 “Stereotypes, Strife and Syncretism: Sámi presence in the Konungasögur”, Creating the New North Research Group Thursday Seminar Presentations, University of Tromsø, Norway
30.05.2019 “Half-Trolls, Trade and Tradition: The Multi-Cultural North in an Icelandic Family Saga”, North East Scotland Postgraduate Conference, Hospitalfield House, Arbroath, UK 09.04.2019 “Indigenous Presence, Spatial Relations and Questions of Identity: Some Observations from Egils saga Skallagrímssonar”, 13th Bergen Postgraduate Symposium on Norse Studies, University of Bergen, Norway
15.11.2018 “Endonyms, Landscape Confusion and Othering in Vatnsdæla saga”, Creating the New North Research Group Thursday Seminar Presentations, University of Tromsø, Norway 07.06.2018 “Women as Instigators of Ritual in Old Norse Society”, 2nd HWU Conference, University of Central Lancashire, UK
10.02.2022: «Outwardly hostile to the Norse? The role of the Saami in Norse Studies», Centre for Scandinavian Studies Seminar Series, University of Aberdeen (virtual)
16.02.2022: «Finnvitka: The Ambiguity of Saami Magic», Rethinking Social Boundaries in the 'Viking Diaspora', Université de Montréal (virtual)
23.03.2022: «Mission Before Colonisation: Medieval Greenland and Reinterpreting Contact Objects», w. Prof. Cordelia Heß, Department of Social and Cultural History Seminar Series, Ilisimatusarfik
09.08.2022: «The Role of the Saami in Medieval (Scandinavian) Studies», Nordiska Historikermötet, University of Gothenburg. Panel: Indigenous people in the Christian peripheries: terminology and methodology, chaired by Piotr Olinski
15.09.2022: «An Introduction to Mission before Colonisation: Reassessing Religious Contact in Greenland and Sápmi, 1000-1550: Repatriation and Museum Politics, Contact Objects from Medieval Greenland», w. Prof. Cordelia Heß and Erik Wolf, Creating the New North Seminar Series, Arctic University of Norway
09.12.2022: «Det indigene i historiografien og primærkildene», Svenska litteratursällskapet, Minoriteter i historieskrivning – granskningar av nordiske historiografier, Helsinki o
03.02.2023: «Christianity, Conversion and the Saami in the Medieval Period», Colonial Entanglements and the Medieval Nordic World. Tensions, Nordic Colonialism and Indigeneity, University of Greifswald o
08.06.2023: «Negotiating Indigenous Pasts in the Future of Renewable Energy Sources», co-authored w. Paul Kirschstein (in-person presenter) and Mary Keogh, Predictable Futures? On the Impact of Fear and Insecurity in the Baltic Sea Region, IFZO Conference, University of Greifswald o
23.06.2023: «Research Project Presentation: Mission Before Colonisation and an Introduction to Medieval Greenland», guest lecture for history students at Institute for Scandinavian and Finnish Studies, University of Gdánsk o
03.07.2023: Moderating «Ethnicity as a Social Concept?: Non-Germans in Medieval Livonia between Rich Research Tradition and New Approaches», presenters; Dr Gustavs Strenga and Erik Wolf, International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds o
05.07.2023: «The Indigenous Turn of Medieval Studies: A Comparative Case Study», Panel Silence and Silencing (Silencing and Racialising), International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds
2023 Essay Prize Ceræ Volume 9 Essay Prize for my article ‘Finnvitka: The Cultural Interface, Identity Negotiation, and Saami Ritual in Medieval Fennoscandia’, Ceræ: An Australasian Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 9 (2023). Value 200 AUD.
2022 Open-Access-Monographien, Universität Greifswald Open access funding awarded for the publication of PhD-thesis. Value: €5,000.
04.12.2020 The University of Aberdeen Development Trust Funding awarded for the organisation of the ‘Northern Studies Conference 2022’. Value: £3,500.
22.01.2020 Centre for Scandinavian Studies Travel grant awarded for a research stay with the Creating the New North (CNN) research group at the University of Tromsø in October 2019. Value £260.
21.02 2020 DHP Development Trust Fund Travel grant awarded for the purposes of travel in Northern Sweden during the research stay at the University of Uppsala, spring 2020, specifically for archival work at the Ájtte museum (Jokkmokk). Value £411.
11.12.2019 Svenska Institutet Mobility grant awarded for the research stay at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Uppsala, April-June 2020, by invitation of Dr Carl-Gösta Ojala. Including archival work at the Ájtte Museum, Jokkmokk. Value 24,000 SEK. Cancelled due to COVID-19.
22.11.2019 Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility grant awarded for the purposes of my traineeship at the University of Uppsala (see above). Value: €1,057,00. Cancelled due to COVID-19.
15.02.2019 DHP Development Trust Fund Travel grant awarded for the purposes of travelling to the University of Bergen to attend and present at the 13th Bergen International Postgraduate Symposium in Old Norse Studies, in April 2019. Value: £200.
16.10.2018 DHP Postgraduate Funding Travel grant awarded for a short research stay, Creating the New North (CNN) research group, University of Tromsø, November 2018. Value £100.