Student Conferences | Post-pandemic Studying
Hinweise und Tipps für die digitale Bildung: eine Schülerperspektive
- Results_Student_Conferences_VHO_20212022.pdfI. und II. Studierendenkonferenzen "Post-Pandemic studying" zielten darauf ab, die einzigartigen Erfahrungen der digitalen Bildung während der der Covid-19-Pandemie aus der Perspektive der Studierenden zusammenzufassen. Das Ergebnis der beiden Studentenkonferenzen ist eine Sammlung von Vorschlägen und Hinweisen aus der Studentenperspektive, die zur Verbesserung der digitalen Bildung nach der Pandemie und möglicherweise zur Vorbereitung auf künftige Herausforderungen, die die Rückkehr zum Fernstudium erfordern, genutzt werden können.
Internationale Digitale Lehre
post-pandemic studying
Student Conference
Under the name "post pandemic studying", students of the University of Greifswald want to create a hybrid digital-analog student conference, which will serve to exchange ideas regarding the experiences made at the university during the pandemic and to develop ideas and plans for future digital teaching and learning after common discussions.
The student conference will be divided into three phases. The first phase is for preparation and will be held in September and October. Two meetings at the respective universities (Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Tampere, Greifswald) will be held in presence, whereby the first meeting will only serve the purpose of getting to know each other. Subsequently, the second meeting will allow for an exchange of experiences regarding life at the university during a pandemic. Since the first phase is to be carried out independently at the respective universities, it is necessary that volunteers are found who take over the organization at their home university. These volunteers can also decide if they wish to hold one or two meetings in the first phase.
The organization of the second phase will then be taken over by the students of the University of Greifswald. This is the third meeting, the main conference, which will take place in early November. The students from Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Tampere and Greifswald will meet in a virtual room and first get to know each other and exchange their individual experiences during the pandemic. This will be followed by a discussion regarding what the post-pandemic situation should be like.
In the third phase, which will take place in mid/late November, there will be an exchange between teachers and officials from the universities, where the results of the students' collaboration and proposals for the future will be presented.
To promote better exchanges throughout the process, the platform Twitter will be used, in addition to the various meetings of the conference. Under the hashtag #postpandemicstudying, students from the different universities will be able to get in touch with each other during the different phases.